
Category: English tenses

Present perfect - for or since?

Complete the sentences by writing for or since in each space.

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Please use short forms e.g. haven't instead of have not in negative statements and use long forms in positive statements e.g. I am instead of I'm.

1. It's been ages I last visited her.2. You've been here twice September.3. We've been living here 1989.4. We haven't talked we left school.5. I've been a teacher 20 years.6. We've known each other ages.7. I haven't been to school 3 weeks.8. We haven't spoken to each other a long time.9. Everything has changed our child was born.10. We haven't had such a bad weather 1999.11. I've been waiting for you a long time.12. You have been working here 10 years, haven't you?13. Kate and Paul have been married 25 years.14. I haven't seen her she left home.15. I haven't met her Friday.