
Category: Use of English

Key word transformations.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words.

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Please use short forms e.g. haven't instead of have not in negative statements and use long forms in positive statements e.g. I am instead of I'm.

1. I have never thought that the secret could be revealed. CROSSED It has never that the secret could be revealed.2. As far as I now, the concert starts at 7. KNOWLEDGE To , the concert starts at 7.3. Both my father and I don't like sports. NOR like sports.4. I don't like it when people ask me to help. BEING I don't like for help.5. If only she stopped screaming. STOPPED I screaming.6. His churlish behaviour really annoyed me. SKIN His churlish behaviour really .7. I think that the semingly good situation that we have now is only a prelude to the coming hardships. STORM I think that the seemingly good situation is just a .8. Paul says that we're going to lose this game, but I think we still have a little chance to win. RAY Paul says that we're going to lose this game, but I think there is still a .9. If you want to get the ticket, you should order it earlier. IN If you want to get the ticket, you should order it .10. Today the company is paying for all the drinks. HOUSE Today everyone is drinking .11. Unfortunately, the money we've been given is only a tiny part of the whole sum we need. DROP Unfortunately, the money we've been given is only a .12. She rather doesn't like dancing. KEEN She isn't too much.13. Sue has improved her language skills very fast. LEAPS Sue has improved her language skills .14. Paul is acting surprisingly bad today. He has always been such a good kid. IS Paul surprisngly bad today.15. I have never been to England. KINGDOM I have never been to .