
Category: Passive voice and reported speech

Passive voice.

Put each verb in brackets into a suitable passive verb form.

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Please use short forms e.g. haven't instead of have not in negative statements and use long forms in positive statements e.g. I am instead of I'm.

1. I hate (ask) about my private life.2. The exhibition (can see) at the art gallery.3. Peter (should inform) about the danger before he went climbing.4. I don't belive it was Steve. Your car (must steal) by someone else.5. She's always been a boss, so she's (not used to order) by other people.6. She (can't inform) about the meeting, because nobody could reach her.7. These documents (have to deliever) by midnight.8. Tom (believe) to be the best player in our team.9. I wish they (accuse) of taking part in the robbery.10. By the time we finish school, the gallery (build).11. I enjoy (invite) to parties.12. Fortunately, the burglars (already arrest).13. Before the police arrived, the thief (catch) by our neighbour.14. Poland (say) to be a nice country.15. She is a gifted girl. I think she should (give) a scholarship.