
Category: Articles

Definite article or zero article?

Put the definite article or - when you want to use the zero article.

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Please use short forms e.g. haven't instead of have not in negative statements and use long forms in positive statements e.g. I am instead of I'm.

1. Pentagon was attacked by terrorists in 2001.2. My cousin works in Microsoft.3. What are your plans for future?4. Many young people take up jobs in Netherlands.5. Some people think that president Kaczynski is not a good president.6. television has changed the world.7. I wouldn't like to live near Sahara Desert.8. When we were in Paris, we saw Eiffel Tower.9. European Union helps poor countries to develop.10. We ate lunch in McDonald's.11. I'd really like to study at Cambridge University.12. NATO is one of the biggest worldwide organisations.13. I read your article in New York Times.14. Baltic is a cold sea.15. We visited Museum of Modern Art.