
Category: Pronouns and determiners

Demonstrative pronouns.

Put a suitable pronoun.

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Please use short forms e.g. haven't instead of have not in negative statements and use long forms in positive statements e.g. I am instead of I'm.

1. is our last meeting.2. Look at big cloud. It's going to rain.3. During my holidays I visited Spain, swam in the ocean and took a lot of pictures. Well, is interesting.4. I'm seeing Paul evening.5. You look very smart in shirt.6. People are getting richer and richer days.7. Look at me. Do you think that shoes go well with my trousers?8. Look at cars over there. They are completely damaged.9. People who live in big cities are usually richer than living in the country.10. Is Kate over there? Yes, I think so.11. Mum, dad, is Sue, my girlfriend.12. I saw her night at the concert.13. Have a look, photos were taken in Spain.14. Have you heard that Sue has got married? Wow, is incredible.15. is the first time I have driven a car.