
Category: Pronouns and determiners


Put a suitable pronoun.

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Please use short forms e.g. haven't instead of have not in negative statements and use long forms in positive statements e.g. I am instead of I'm.

1. Look at this house. My parents build it .2. I like Kate. She is a friend of .3. We'd never met before so I introduced to her.4. Sarah has wallet. She found it in the school. You must have lost it.5. I like spending time by .6. If somebody want to take part in the competition, have to enrol earlier.7. Peter and Mark don't like .8. I like spending time on own.9. I'm not as tall as Sue. She is taller than .10. Kate made me happy. It was a great idea of to go to the cinema.11. Sarah found a wallet in the school. You lost the wallet there so it must have been .12. The concert wasn't bad, but the quality of sound was terrible.13. Tom is weird. He sometimes talks to .14. There is nothing to do here. Let go.15. Tom and his four sisters visit very often.